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Can You Make It Through Erin Oprea's Fall Workout Routine?

Erin Oprea is a Vital Proteins ambassador, author of The 4x4 Diet and celebrity trainer whose star clients include Carrie Underwood and Maren Morris. Here, she shares her fall workout routine.

New season, new exercise moves Let’s refresh your workout with these killer combos that will strengthen your whole body and will keep you from hitting that dreaded plateau. Some of these exercises may seem like a lot but if you keep at it, you’ll build that muscle endurance.

Make sure to keep your form steady throughout all of these maneuvers. That is the absolute key to working out. Engage your core and go at it! If you’re feeling up for the task, make sure to repeat the whole barrage three times! Give it all you got. 

Erin Oprea's Fall Workout Routine 

Can You Make It Through Erin Oprea's Fall Workout Routine?

Reverse Lunges into Curl

Grab two 5-10-lb. dumbbells and take a large step back with your right leg dropping your right knee straight down toward the ground until your left leg is parallel to the floor, never letting your right knee hit the floor. Driving through your left heel, return to the starting position with your right knee slightly lifted. At this point perform a curl. Once finished go straight back down into a lunge. Repeat this 12-15 times and then do the other leg! 

Can You Make It Through Erin Oprea's Fall Workout Routine?

Sumo Squat into Upright Row

Grab one dumbbell about 5-10 lbs. Stand with your legs out wide, toes at a 45-degree angle. Drop your butt until your legs are parallel to the ground, keeping your weight on your heels. Return only half way up and perform an upright row by pulling the weight up to your shoulder with your elbow bending out to the side. Lower the weight and lower your booty back into the sumo squat and repeat. Perform 12-15 reps without fully standing. Ever. Now repeat using the other arm. 

Can You Make It Through Erin Oprea's Fall Workout Routine?

Can You Make It Through Erin Oprea's Fall Workout Routine?

Push-Up into Row

Get into plank position, with your hands on dumbbells anywhere from 5-20 lbs. Lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at 90 degrees. Push back to starting position. Now row the weight one at a time straight back while maintaining your solid plank, squeezing your shoulder blade in the middle of your back. Keep your core engaged the entire time. After rowing both arms perform another pushup into row. Keep repeating for 10 reps. Make sure to never let your hips wiggle, that way you get that nice ab work!

Can You Make It Through Erin Oprea's Fall Workout Routine?

One Legged Deadlift into Row

Grab a weight, 5-15 lbs., in your right hand. Stand on your left leg with knee in a micro-bend (leg straight but not locked). Keeping your leg in that position throughout the maneuver, fall at the waist, keeping your chest and eyes up, back flat, hips square to the ground, and right leg coming up extended behind you. Once you fall enough to feel a deep stretch in your leg, hold that position and perform a row with your right arm by pulling the weight up along your side, squeezing your shoulder blade behind you. Now lower the weight and return to the starting position with control. Repeat 12-15 times before switching legs and arms.

Can You Make It Through Erin Oprea's Fall Workout Routine?

Floor Dip into Toe Touch

Sit on your butt, bend your knees, and go on your heels. Place your hands next to your glutes with your fingers pointing toward your feet. Raise your hips up and bend your elbows, shooting them straight back, then push back up. Once back to the high position, raise one hand off the ground to meet the opposite toe as it raises. Now go back down into the floor dip, come up and reach the other hand to the opposite toe. Keep going back and forth for 10 touches per hand.

Can You Make It Through Erin Oprea's Fall Workout Routine?

Reverse Lunge into Lateral Raise

With two weights between 3-10 lbs., stand with your weight on your left leg. Take a large step back with your right leg and drop your right knee straight down toward the ground until your left leg is parallel to the floor, never letting your right knee hit the floor. Driving through your left heel, return to the starting position with your right knee slightly lifted. Now raise your weights straight out to your sides, squeezing your shoulders. Return to the starting position and repeat for 12-15 reps before performing this on your other leg.