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Mom Blogger Samantha Eason: How I Uncap My Potential

In honor of the launch of Vital Proteins new Collagen Water™, we’re kicking off a weekly series on Lively called “How I Uncap My Potential,” where we feature amazing women doing incredible things in their field. Today, we’re spotlighting blogger Samantha Jane Eason (@sammyjaneeason on Instagram!), creative professional and mom to sons Isaac and Maddox.

Eason opens up about the most rewarding part of motherhood, the best advice her mom ever gave her, and how she incorporates Vital Proteins into her everyday routine. Get to know her below. 

Lively: What first made you interested in blogging and sharing your life on Instagram? Did you ever feel shy or hesitant?

Samantha Jane Eason: I wasn't necessarily interested in blogging right away. I was interested in having a creative outlet. Since I had dropped out of college (majoring in photography at Pratt Institute in New York and then transferring to a large state school in Missouri), there was a big part of me artistically that was left behind. After having my first son, Isaac, and ditching the partying lifestyle I craved filling my days with something that was for me. My dad bought me a film camera and an Ansel Adams book for Christmas one year and I was hooked ever since. Instagram is all about images so naturally I was drawn towards seeing how other creatives shared life through their eyes. I never felt shy or hesitant, I'm a very open and honest person (now), but I definitely made a few mistakes in the beginning. I was confused about how the platform worked and got caught up in what other bloggers were sharing vs. focusing on what made me, me. 

L: What has been the most rewarding part of motherhood? The most surprising?

SJE: Most surprising part of motherhood is the love. It's absolutely impossible to describe the amount of immediate selflessness you gain after having a baby. I don't think I can put into words how rewarding it is either. But it is incredible how much you learn about yourself and about life. To be able to re-experience things through little learning eyes and feel such purpose. It is a true blessing to be needed for even the smallest of tasks, like changing a diaper or tying a shoe. They play a big role in providing and nurturing. We become teachers, really! 

L: You’re very big on living clean. Have you always been like that? If not, what prompted the switch?

SJE: I’m big on clean living because I didn't know you could actually feel this great. After years of self-destructive behavior, I was always looking for a quick fix. I think I thought you could have both – the partying and the health. The fun and the feeling good. The longest time I had ever been sober was during my first pregnancy since drinking wasn't an option. For the first time in life I was medication free, too. I slept well, had energy, was happy, and productive. My marriage improved instead of getting worse, and I had a new appreciation for travel and activities. After living that way for nine months it was hard for me to want to do anything that would disrupt that consistency. 

L: How are you teaching your kids to adopt a healthier lifestyle?

SJE: Teaching my kids to live this way by actually living this way. You have to practice it to know it. Lead by example!

L: What was the best life advice your mom ever gave you?

SJE: Best advice my mom gives me is not to live in fear and that love always wins. (She was saying it years before it became a political statement). 

samantha jane eason family

L: How do you “Uncap Your Potential”?

SJE: I think I reach my goals from gratitude. You can't grow if you're not grateful for what you already have. 

L: How do you incorporate Vital Proteins into your daily routine?

SJE: I use Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides every day, either in my coffee or a smoothie and will bake with it occasionally! I started taking Vital Proteins products when I was postpartum with Isaac and my hair started falling out. My hair, nails, and skin have never been in better condition.  

Photos: @sammyjaneeason/Instagram