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Celebrities Love These 7 Vital Proteins®' Collagen Products

We're going to clue you in on a secret. When it comes to picking "favorites" among our collagen, we don't have one! (And you better believe we're always getting asked to recommend the best one!) That's why we love to see what people are saying about our collagen products, so we can defer you straight to the users for their most-loved selections.

Among this group includes a group of celebrities and influencers who, yes, love our collagen too! In an effort to get inspired to try a new canister, or continue with an old fave, we're rounding up their feedback for you below. Take a scroll on, and get ready to give your wellness routine a whole new boost!

Jennifer Aniston On Collagen Peptides

"My go-to collagen routine is adding Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides in my morning cup of coffee or smoothie - so easy to use."

Charlotte McKinney for Vital Proteins

Charlotte McKinney On Collagen Peptides & Matcha Collagen Latte

"Oh, don’t make me choose. I have two: the Vital Proteins® Matcha Collagen Latte™ and the Original Collagen Peptides, which I add into my coffee. I also love the Collagen Peptides Stick Packs, as they are great when I’m on the road or have long workdays on set."

Kourtney Kardashian and Collagen

Kourtney Kardashian On Collagen Vibes & Blueberry Moon Milk Collagen Latte™

"Every day after I say a prayer, I keep the positive vibes going with my morning cup of Collagen Vibes. I spent months developing the perfect formula with my Poosh team, and it’s been so rewarding to see the final product come to life.

I keep our Collagen Vibes in my bedroom with a spoon and a glass next to it. Just add in two scoops, pour in warm water and mix. I know others love to add it to a smoothie or to another drink like almond milk or even tea. I also take  Pink Moon Milk Collagen Latte™ in the evening with warm water. It contains Ashwagandha, which is an adaptogen, so it adapts to what your body needs. It also helps to boost immunity, support muscle recovery, and reduce anxiety and stress.**"

Molly Shannon for Vital Proteins

Molly Shannon On Collagen Peptides

“I make a smoothie every day,” she says, adding that her go-to ingredients include pineapple, banana, almond milk, ginger, flax oil and Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides."

Vital Proteins Collagen

Iskra Lawrence On Collagen Water™

"I love learning new things, so when a friend told me about the benefits of collagen, I was ready to find out more. I noticed friends taking big tablets, multiple times a day, and that route was definitely not for me, so when I discovered Vital Proteins not only had the stick packs, which I love to travel with, but a Collagen Water™, I was so excited to try it out. Before I knew it, grabbing my Collagen Water™ before heading out the door in the morning became my routine. Enjoying taking a supplement that enhances my life is game-changing!"

Rebecca Black for Vital Proteins

Rebecca Black On Matcha Collagen

"I am a fiend for matcha, so the Matcha Collagen powder is one of my favorite ways to start my day, especially since I am an early riser. One scoop plus some almond milk – and mixing it all up with my milk frother is a treat! Seriously, my matcha-making routine (and routines in general) have really helped me find a sense of steadiness and peace to start my day!"

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