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Your 2019 Zodiac Sign: What You Can Expect in the New Year

By: Grace Gavilanes

New year, new experiences. A fresh start is what everyone looks forward to in the weeks, days, hours, and minutes leading up to the new year. And we can't say we blame them. We’ve all been accustomed to treating January as the month marathon-training begins (for real this time). Or the month we finally say "see ya!" for good to emotionally-draining friends.

Luckily, we’re making the new year a little easier to navigate with help from clairvoyant astrologer Debra Anne Clement. The Shortcut to the Soul podcast host shared her insight on what’s to come in 2019. She's talking career, love, health and everything in between. Because we’d rather know exactly what’s going on than guess our way through life. Don't you?

2019 zodiac sign

Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19)

Expect a promotion, raise or similar professional accolades as a series of eclipses this year helps you climb the ladder of success. Uranus will bring new opportunities for money when it moves into your income sector on Mar. 6. In terms of love, expect a summertime romance to begin in July and August, with said relationship flourishing into something deeper in October. This is a high-energy year, so pay attention to your diet, exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep to ensure you don’t run out of steam.

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Taurus (Apr. 20 – May 20)

On Mar. 6, Uranus will enter your sign to help you break free of any limitations. It’s time to be open to new possibilities and experiences! Love will come knocking in May and September. And travel opportunities will arise in July and December. Since even happy changes can be a bit unsettling for Taurus, consider adding meditation, breath work or other relaxation practice to your daily routine.

2019 zodiac sign woman

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Money is a priority this year as several powerful eclipses activate your financial axis and focus your attention on how you earn, save, and spend your hard-earned cash. January, July and December could bring opportunities to increase your income or pay off a debt. A new fitness routine in January brings measurable results by June. With Jupiter blessing your relationship sector until Dec. 2, existing unions blossom, and if you’re looking for love, this could be the year you meet Mr. or Ms. Right.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Partnerships are prominent this year as Saturn tests your closest alliances and eclipses trigger your relationship axis. Unions that survive will enjoy a deeper commitment, while those that don’t will fall away. Career-wise, you’ll gain a new sense of stability after Uranus leaves your career sector on Mar. 6. Jupiter’s presence in your work and health sector could bring a significant job opportunity your way by Dec. 2. And while it bodes well for your health, its indulgent side could tempt you to overeat or skip the gym.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Your career takes center stage as Uranus sets out to revolutionize this area of your life. On Mar. 6, Uranus will breathe new life into your ambitions while a series of eclipses take turns triggering your axis of work and service. By the end of the year, you can expect to be on a new path that ignites your passion. Meanwhile, Jupiter’s presence in your romance sector until Dec. 2 promises that love will be a steady companion. With Saturn in your health sector, be sure to schedule checkups for your teeth, bones and skin.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Single or attached, your love life is on fire this year as a powerful series of eclipses ignite your romance sector. And it’s quite possible that this love will turn into a lasting commitment. A home-related change, such as a move or an addition to your household, is also a distinct possibility thanks to Jupiter’s expansive influence in your domestic sector. Take things slow in November when being in too much of a rush could result in a fall, a burn or a fender bender.

2019 zodiac ssign

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Much of your attention will be focused on home and family as both Saturn and a series of eclipses activate your domestic sector. This year could find you helping a parent, babysitting or paying a substantial mortgage. A career opportunity in July looks promising but balancing family obligations could make you think twice. Relationships become more stable after Uranus leaves your partnership sector on Mar. 6, and you end the year on a high note. Yoga, meditation and other stress busters can help you relax during what promises to be a busy year.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Your money is likely to increase this year from a new job or a promotion as Jupiter blesses your income sector until Dec. 2. Once Uranus leaves your health sector on Mar. 6, it will be easier to stick to a healthy meal plan and exercise on a regular basis. However, its next stop is your relationship sector, and if an existing union feels stale or limiting, it might be time to breathe new life into it or let it go. If you’re single, a new love is likely to come in an unexpected way and could sweep you off your feet.

2019 zodiac sign woman

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

You’re the zodiac’s golden child as Jupiter, your planetary ruler, blesses you with romance, travel opportunities and professional connections until Dec. 2. Romantic commitments are likely this year, and if single, you could meet the love of your life. With Uranus moving into your work sector and the eclipses stimulating your money axis all year, you may land an impressive new job. Your popularity soars this year. But avoid burning the candle at both ends or your health will suffer.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

This is your year to shine as powerful eclipses in your sign will help you reach new heights in all areas of your life. As it moves through your sign, your planetary ruler Saturn will help you achieve steady career success, while Uranus sets your love life ablaze after it enters your romance sector on Mar. 6. July will bring a deeper commitment or a parting of ways, while December brings an opportunity for new love. Watch your health in April, when burning the midnight oil will likely to deplete your energy and compromise your immune system.

2019 zodiac sign woman moving

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Expect major changes in your home environment after Uranus, your ruling planet, enters your domestic sector on Mar. 6. You could change your residence, a household member could move in or out, or you could start working from home. Meanwhile, your social life picks up steam this year, and love begins or deepens in April, May and July. With several eclipses activating your health axis, stay up-to-date with checkups, and if you have a pattern of unhealthy foods, inactivity or stress, this is the year to make some lifestyle changes.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – Mar. 20)

This is the year for big moves and even bigger rewards as Jupiter blesses your career sector until Dec. 2. And with Uranus leaving your income sector on Mar. 6, you’ll enjoy a new cycle of financial stability. Whether it’s a new job or a new love, networking brings opportunities. High notes in your career are likely in January and November, while romance flourishes from June through September. Avoid overdoing it in the gym in February, July and October, because you’re likely to experience inflammation during this time.