Following top trainers and Olympic athletes on Instagram can be seriously inspiring, but if you're in a workout rut, it can be a little disheartening. How do they always have the energy to keep showing up? We'll let you in on a little secret — they don't. (Remember: Instagram is a highlight reel.)
Here, 6 fitness pros get real with Lively about how they overcome a workout rut. Next time you don't feel like working out, let this advice inspire you.
photo credit: cortney white
Colleen Quigley, Olympic Athlete, Steeplechase
"Just get through the next rep. If you have three sets of something, don’t think about the third set when you're in the first one. You can't afford to waste your mental energy like that. Staying in the moment helps me focus and then I find that by the time I get to that third set I'm actually okay and there was no need to worry about it anyway."

Photo: @andreasomer/Instagram
Andrea Somer, health coach

Emily Samuel, trainer and owner of Body By Emily
"Get inspired – maybe check out new fun workouts to try. Put on a workout outfit that makes you feel cute and motivated to run around the block and show everyone. Watching other people crush it on Instagram is one way that helps me stay motivated," she tells Lively. "I get bored easily, so I try and make a game out of whatever workout I’m doing. For example, if I time myself on how many burpees I can do the first round, I’m going to try and beat that time in the next round."

Brian Mazza, Founder of High Performance Lifestyle Training
"The way to avoid a workout rut is to not get burnt out in the first place. Recovery is essential in allowing your mind and body to stay fresh for the constant journey of fitness," he says. "But we are all human, so ruts do happen. When I experience these ruts, I simply switch up my routine and workouts to keep things new. Remember: Nothing changes if nothing changes."

Jen Widerstrom, trainer and fitness director at Shape
"Apply the three-day rule; by the third full day of not working out, you have to log a workout," she says. "You don't have to work out for three days, but after day 4, it can't happen without movement. Go to your happy list. We're not built as humans to do everything. Start small and earn the right to have your goal by doing the reps."
Emily Snell, Personal Trainer
"It can be tough sometimes. I have to schedule workouts in my work calendar, so I stick to my plan. I also find a workout buddy or take a group fitness class to hold me accountable. Sometimes even trainers need that little extra push!"