For many, the thought of a morning skincare routine can sound daunting. We always want to look our best, but in between alarms, workouts, and getting out the door it can be a challenge to give our skin the attention it deserves. Rest assured, there is an option for everyone. A quick and simple morning skincare routine of cleanse, hydrate, and protect is all you need (never forget the SPF), and it can be completed within 5 minutes!
To customize your A.M. routine, it's important to remember that we are all different, and so are the needs of our skin. When you wake up in the morning, take a second to check your skin’s status: Are you feeling dry? Oily? Is the texture uneven? Or, were you lucky enough to wake up looking fresh and fabulous? All of these things can help determine what your skin needs.
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A morning routine is all about prevention and protection. First thing is to clear off any product and treatments from the night before. Typically, products used at night are to correct problem areas, and are chock full of beneficial acids and exfoliating vitamins, including alpha-hydroxy acids and retinol.
However, some of these ingredients can increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun (which is why you may only find them in night-time products). By rinsing or cleansing in the morning, you are preventing sensitivities to the sun, while removing dead skin cells for a brighter complexion.

For most, a simple rinse with micellar water and a cotton round is a great way to start the day! Beloved by French women for ages, it’s truly a game changer. Micelles, or tiny oil molecules, cling onto dirt, makeup, and oil to draw out impurities leaving behind only lovely, hydrated skin. An added bonus is that no hot water is necessary, making it a perfect option for dry and sensitive skin, as heat can promote redness and moisture loss. For those like myself who love their night-time products, a more thorough cleanse with a vitamin C based cleanser is perfect.
Secondly, hydrate! Following a quick cleanse with a great moisturizer solidifies and seals your skin's natural protective barrier. A strong, hydrated barrier can help provide natural defense against harsh elements. Look for products containing hyaluronic acid and antioxidants to provide a plump and bright complexion.
Lastly, and most importantly, protect! The tricky thing about sun damage is that it is not always instantaneous, thus using sun protection NOW (and throughout the day) is vital. Don’t let that summer glow blind you from long-lasting damage. Dark spots and fine lines may not be visible until down the line, yet they can be attributed to harsh sun exposure from earlier days. Try to remember: It's all about prevention. The less damage created, the less there is to fix.